YES! GroundSchool features ACTUAL AND REALISTIC FAA QUESTIONS (current for
and continuously updated) like you will see on your actual exam and is fully compliant with FAA Airman Certification Standards (ACS).
Learn more about how our GroundSchool programs and apps feature superior learning content that leads to better study, testing, and learning outcomes.
a minimum of time and cost, YOU can
ACE your FAA Sport Pilot
knowledge (written) test using our GroundSchool apps.
Regularly updated, actual and realistic FAA questions [Learn More]
Explanations for every question. Detailed, illustrated, and intelligent. Written by professional pilots, instructors, and examiners
and fully compatible with official FAA regulations and guidance and Airman Certification Standards. Our explanations and learning content are the best in the business
for FAA knowledge tests, hands down.
All required charts and figures are included.
Polished user interface for fast and effective learning. Plenty of study and learning modes, including infinite practice tests.
Free lifetime updates means that you can use it to pass the test now and as a lifetime refresher later.
Flight School, College/University, or FBO?Bulk and Lab/Site site licenses are available.
We filter our test banks so that you study only what you need to for the exact test you're taking.
Our GroundSchool - Sport Pilot prep apps can prepare you for any or all of the following FAA knowledge tests:
Sport Pilot (General)
Sport Pilot (Instructor and Examiner)
SPG − Sport Pilot General
SPA − Sport Pilot Airplane
SPI − Sport Pilot Glider
SPY − Sport Pilot Gyroplane
SPP − Sport Pilot Powered Parachute
SPW − Sport Pilot Weight-Shift-Control
SPB − Sport Pilot Lighter-Than-Air (Balloon)
SPL − Sport Pilot Lighter-Than-Air (Airship)
SIA − Flight Instructor Sport Airplane
SIB − Flight Instructor Sport Balloon
SIG − Flight Instructor Sport Glider
SIL − Flight Instructor Sport Lighter-than-Air
SIP − Flight Instructor Sport Powered Parachute
SIW − Flight Instructor Sport Weight-Shift-Control
SIY − Flight Instructor Sport Gyroplane
SEA − Pilot Examiner Sport Airplane
SEB − Pilot Examiner Sport Balloon
SEG − Pilot Examiner Sport Glider
SEL − Pilot Examiner Sport Lighter-than-Air
SEP − Pilot Examiner Sport Powered Parachute
SEW − Pilot Examiner Sport Weight-Shift-Control
SEY − Pilot Examiner Sport Gyroplane
SEF − Fundamentals of Instruction
Download / Get the Apps!
Our FAA Knowledge Test prep apps are updated regularly throughout the year. Updates are free for life!
The downloads are large because our apps include the best learning content in the business. Learn More
GroundSchool - All FAA Written Test Titles for Microsoft Windows™ PCs
This single large download includes all of our FAA knowledge test prep titles - Private through FE/ATP + Mechanic [More Info].
GroundSchool - Sport Pilot (General) Audio Presentation
In MP3 format for your iPod™ / music player or to burn to CD and listen to in the car and elsewhere.
GroundSchool - All FAA Written Test Titles for Microsoft Windows™ PCs
This single large download includes all of our FAA knowledge test prep titles - Private through FE/ATP + Mechanic [More Info].
GroundSchool - Sport Pilot (Instructor and Examiner) Audio Presentation
In MP3 format for your iPod™ / music player or to burn to CD and listen to in the car and elsewhere.
We believe (and scientific study validates) that the interactive activity of test preparation, when combined with the sort of detailed supplementary and explanatory material that we offer, is an excellent way to thoroughly learn and internalize key aviation information.
We are test prep specialists and the experience of thousands upon thousands of pilots proves that our method works. We do not use test prep as a "hook", as some of our advertising-based competitors do, to sell you expensive but ineffective passive video-based courses and similar products that do little besides waste your time and drain your wallet.
Use our material and study hard - not just the questions and answers, but the reasoning and explanations too, and be on your way, in a highly time and cost efficient way, to knowledge test and aviation success!
This app has a really cool feature. After you complete a study session, you can, choose to report your progress to our system where you will be able to see charts of your study progress so that you can identity your weak points.
The really cool thing, however, is that you can also invite your instructor (CFI, flight school, mechanic school, mentor, parent, study partner, etc) to log in and monitor your progress. This is neat because now you can prove to your instructor in a concrete way now your study is progressing.
Access to the system is completely free for you and your instructor! Only GroundSchool has this innovative system.
is ....
GroundSchool is designed to help you learn the material and score highly on your test in the most efficient manner possible. Our app represents years of listening to and understanding the needs of pilots and mechanics. The program is designed with the singular goal of helping you learn the material so you can pass your FAA written test with a minimum of time and effort. Sure, there are some study methods that are cheaper (and many far more expensive!)... but only if your time is worth nothing. Our app is fast, efficient, and proven.
Here are a few screenshots from the app:
With our FAA Written Test Prep app, you don't have to worry about having
an out of date version. Our authors work to update the data as FAA question
pools change. Groundschool has a built-in self-update feature that connects
to our servers and makes sure that you have the latest and greatest versions
of the app and data soon after they becomes available.
Additionally, the self-update can be used to install new test
data (such as Instrument Rating on top of Private Pilot) so you can have it
when and where you need it.
Passed the IFR (Airplane) and Flight Instructor Instruments tests in the same afternoon after using your apps!
I think your apps are very good. There was a guy next to me at the CATS testing center that failed after using She**** A**. ... I think the intuitiveness
of your apps is superb. ... Thanks for the help, I'll be using this for my commercial as well!
- JT - GroundSchool User.
wanted to express my gratitude for the FAA Ground School Test Prep
app. The features are outstanding with regard to knowledge
reinforcement, cross referencing, concentrating on weak points,
and ease of use. Even if you have one of the other home study courses
you still need this program."
- DM - GroundSchool User.
took my test yesterday, and scored 97%. I hd K***'s DVD set and an A** book too. None of them hit the mark in terms of meeting my needs as much as your app did.
I was able to load the app on my work laptop, and take practice tests everywhere: in airports, in-flight (in scheduled airlines), long meetings. It really helped that I could save my tests, and could
review the questions I got wrong later. Being able to search for questions ... was very valuable in keeping me efficient and focused.
You should all be proud of having created something so useful, so well thought out!
A "test bank" contains
one or more tests. For example, the "Private and Recreational Pilot" test bank will contain the Private
Pilot Airplane, Private Pilot Helicopter, and other tests. You'll be able to see the exact tests in each
of the test banks in the screens to follow. Here
are the available GroundSchool test banks:
For the Professional Pilot of the future! One of our best Value
FAA written test prep packages. This is for those really focused on a career in aviation. This package includes
both the Takeoff and FlightLevel Bundles combined.
For the Professional Pilot of the future who also wants to operate in the dynamic Sport Pilot world! Our Best Value
FAA written test prep package. This is for those really focused on a career in aviation but who also love it enough and want the 'future proofing' security of also getting a
Sport Pilot license(s). This package everything from the Takeoff, Sport Pilot, and FlightLevel Bundles combined.
Complete preparation for the three written / knowledge tests (General, Airframe, and Powerplant) that you'll need to take and pass to get
get an FAA A&P certificate. Includes access to all three A&P test banks. Please note: choosing this is the same as choosing a "pick 3"
bundle above and then selecting the mechanic tests from there.
This is for purchasing the Military Competence test banks (Military Competence Airplane and Helicopter - MCA and MCH and/or Military Competence Instructor (MCI)) only. Purchase this option if you are a military pilot wishing to obtain your FAA civilian commercial pilot and/or flight instructor certificate(s) on the basis of your military experience. See the Military Competence page for full details.
This is for purchasing the prep for the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) test only. This is for people who are sure that they need
ONLY the FOI prep. Most flight and ground instructor candidates should NOT get this, but rather the complete CFI test bank that includes all the flight/ground instructor tests plus the FOI.
To be clear: any purchase that includes
automatically includes
at no extra charge, so that if you selected as a title either as a 'single test bank' or part of the pick 3 bundle, you'd get both CFI and FOI and it would
only count as one test bank. This "FOI only" option here is at a lower price for those who know that they will only ever need FOI.
Comments by Dauntless Aviation, creators of the GroundSchool Sport Pilot app are in blue
Where can I get information about the Sport Pilot Program?
Sport pilot enthusiasts may find information on the Regulatory Support Division Web site at in the Light Sport Aviation Branch (AFS-610) area.
What is the age requirement to take the sport pilot knowledge test?
An applicant must be at least 15 years of age to take the test, although applicants for the balloon or glider tests must be 14 years of age. Prior to taking the knowledge test, an applicant shall be asked to present a birth certificate or other official documentation as evidence of meeting the age requirement. Dauntless: We occasionally get asked by young people who are eager to start their training when they should start studying. If you're really sure you're ready to take the test as soon as you reach the relevant birthday, then we generally suggest studying for about three weeks before this date if you can study for an hour or two every other night and pehraps two or three months in advance if you can only study once a week or so.
What aircraft can I fly as a sport pilot?
You are limited to flying an aircraft that meets the definition of a light sport aircraft (LSA). An LSA is any certificated aircraft that meets the following performance parameters:
1,320 pounds Maximum Gross Weight (1,430 pounds for seaplanes)
45 knots (51 mph) Max Landing Configuration Stall
120 knots (138 mph) Max. Straight & Level
Single or Two seat Aircraft
Fixed Pitch or Ground Adjustable Propeller
Fixed Landing Gear (except for amphibious aircraft)
Dauntless: The Sport Pilot certificate has proven itself to be popular with all sorts of people. This includes people who can not qualify for a normal medical certificate (usually due to some known medical condition) or who simply want to take advantage of the lower costs that light sport aircraft can provide. Of course, some light sport aircraft are very expensive and some regular aircraft are relatively inexpensive to operate, though in general light sport aircraft can be thought of as less expensive. This all said, the Sport Pilot certificate should be viewed as seperate from the normal progression of aviation certificates. If you want to fly light sport aircraft, then by all means go for a light sport pilot certificate. However, if you want to fly heavier, faster, and more capable aircraft - either recreationally or as a career, then you probably do NOT want to get a sport pilot certificate, but rather should aim for a Private Pilot Certificate as your first goal.
What are the restrictions on a sport pilot?
Sport pilots cannot make flights:
at night;
in controlled airspace unless you receive training and a logbook endorsement;
outside the U.S. without advance permission from that/those country(ies);
for the purpose of sight-seeing with passengers for charity fundraisers;
above 10,000' MSL;
when the flight or surface visibility is less than 3 statute miles;
unless you can see the surface of the earth for flight reference;
in LSA with a maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power (VH) of greater than 87 knots (100 mph), unless you receive training and a logbook endorsement;
if the operating limitations issued with the aircraft do not permit that activity;
contrary to any limitation listed on the pilot's certificate, U.S. driver's license, FAA medical certificate, or logbook endorsement(s); and
while carrying a passenger or property for compensation or hire (no commercial operations)
Dauntless: The above restrictions are valid at the time of this writing though are subject to change.
How should I prepare for the knowledge test?
To adequately prepare for the knowledge test, the FAA suggests that you review 14 CFR part 61, section 309, for preparing for the sport pilot knowledge test. The regulations require an applicant to have logged ground training from an authorized instructor, or to present evidence of having satisfactorily completed a course of instruction or home-study course in the knowledge areas appropriate to the category and class aircraft for the rating sought. Dauntless: Our app is 100% what you need to prepare for your Sport Pilot test. It covers the items discussed above. After you have completed your study, you can either for example print out a record of your study to show your instructor who can give you the necessary endorsement to take the actual test or you can use our endorsement service where we can mail you the appropriate endorsement.
What document or documents must I present prior to taking a knowledge test?
An applicant for a knowledge test must present appropriate personal identification. The identification must include a photograph of the applicant, the applicant's signature, and the applicant's actual residential address (if different from the mailing address). This information may be presented in more than one form. The applicant must also present one of the following:
A certificate of graduation from an FAA-approved pilot school or pilot training course appropriate to the certificate or rating sought, or a statement of accomplishment from the school certifying the satisfactory completion of the ground-school portion of such a course.
A written statement or logbook endorsement from an FAA-Certificated Ground or Flight Instructor, certifying that the applicant has satisfactorily completed an applicable ground training or home-study course and is prepared for the knowledge test.
A certificate of graduation from a home-study course developed by the aeronautical enterprise providing the study material. The certificate of graduation must correspond to the FAA knowledge test for the certificate or rating sought. The aeronautical enterprise providing the course of study must also supply a comprehensive knowledge test, which can be scored as evidence that the student has completed the course of study. When the student satisfactorily completes the knowledge test, it is sent to the course provider for scoring by an FAA-Certificated Ground or Flight Instructor. The instructor personally evaluates the test and attests to the student's knowledge of the subjects presented in the course. Upon satisfactory completion, a graduation certificate is sent to the student.
In the event of retesting after a failure, the applicant must present the unsatisfactory Airman Test Report. If the applicant elects to retest for a higher score, the satisfactory Airman Test Report must be surrendered to the test administrator
Dauntless: as stated in the previous question, we can basically provide the third option above for you if necessary. Please see our instructor endorsement service web page for more detail and pricing about this. About 10% of the users of our app use our endorsement service while others obtain such an endorsement from their instructor. Either way works.
If I fail the knowledge test, is there any way to determine the areas in which I need additional work, so I can study for a retest?
Yes. You will receive an Airman Test Report from the testing center. The test report will contain your test score and will also list topic and content descriptions for the areas in which you were deficient. Dauntless: In the statistically unlikely event that you do fail, you can take the above mentioned knowledge test report and enter the topic codes into our GroundSchool app. This will then allow you to find and zero in on those questions where you need more work.
If I pass the knowledge test, will I receive the same information concerning areas in which I need additional work as I would if I failed the test?
Yes. (Refer to the previous answer.)
Dauntless: One of the cool things about our app is that, unlike life-limited books and DVDs, we offer a lifetime personal license. So, even if you get a 100% now through using our app (as many before you have), you can use it later on to brush up on whatever areas you may need a refresher on.
How long is a satisfactorily completed knowledge test valid?
2 years. A satisfactorily completed knowledge test expires at the end of the day of the 24th month after the month in which it was taken. If a practical test is not satisfactorily completed during that period, another knowledge test must be taken. Dauntless: and again, if you do need longer than 24 calendar months, for whatever reason, our app will be there for you thanks to our lifetime free personal license policy.
for checking out the app! Good luck on your test, and blue
The Team
This product undergoes Continuous Refinement.
We continually work to
upgrade both the content and functionality of
our software and apps.
Upgrades are always
available free of charge and with minimum hassle through
straighforward, built-in self-update features.
Our products can help you not just pass your test now, but will also be there for you when you want to review and update your knowledge down the line.
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."