YES! GroundSchool features ACTUAL AND REALISTIC FAA QUESTIONS (current for
and continuously updated) like you will see on your actual exam and is fully compliant with FAA Airman Certification Standards (ACS).
Learn more about how our GroundSchool programs and apps feature superior learning content that leads to better study, testing, and learning outcomes.
Our GroundSchool app can help you pass your FAA CONTROL TOWER OPERATOR / ATP written test!
Our CTO test prep is part of our ATP
test prep. If you want to study for the CTO test, just download our ATP test prep for the platform of your choice and select the CTO test. You will
then be presented with only questions that apply to the CTO test.
This is unquestionably the best CTO prep in the universe - fast and efficient and with all questions
fully and professionally explained.
GroundSchool features up-to-date, ACTUAL FAA QUESTIONS. Answers and Explanations have been written by highly experienced flight instructors and professional pilots. All required charts and figures are included.
Unlike books, DVDs, other materials, our app updates itself using the built-in self-update feature. You can always have the latest and greatest available study material from us at no extra charge.
This app can be used to prepare for the FAA Control Tower Operator (CTO) test and also all of the ATP Single-Engine and Multiengine Airplane and Helicopter tests plus Aircraft Dispatcher. The questions have been filtered and sorted so that you study only the questions that will apply to you.
Flight School, College/University, or FBO?Bulk and Lab/Site site licenses are available.
Need More Info?Scroll down to the bottom of this page to the CTO-specific FAQs and then also check out the general GroundSchool Frequently Asked Questions
This app will help you prepare for any or all of the following tests:
ATM − Airline Transport Pilot Multiengine Airplane
ARA − Airline Transport Pilot Airplane (135) (added rating)
ATS − Airline Transport Pilot Single Engine Airplane
ACP − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion Airplane [about]
ATH − Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter
ACM − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion Multiengine Airplane [about]
ARH − Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter (added rating)
ACS − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion Single-engine Airplane [about]
GroundSchool - Airline Transport Pilot for Microsoft Windows™ PCs
(including Part 121, 135, Helicopter, Aircraft Dispatcher, and Control Tower Operator)
GroundSchool - All FAA Written Test Titles for Microsoft Windows™ PCs
This single large download includes all of our FAA knowledge test prep titles - Private through FE/ATP + Mechanic [More Info].
GroundSchool - Airline Transport Pilot Audio Presentation
In MP3 format for your iPod™ / music player or to burn to CD and listen to in the car and elsewhere.
We believe (and scientific study validates) that the interactive activity of test preparation, when combined with the sort of detailed supplementary and explanatory material that we offer, is an excellent way to thoroughly learn and internalize key aviation information.
We are test prep specialists and the experience of thousands upon thousands of pilots proves that our method works. We do not use test prep as a "hook", as some of our advertising-based competitors do, to sell you expensive but ineffective passive video-based courses and similar products that do little besides waste your time and drain your wallet.
Use our material and study hard - not just the questions and answers, but the reasoning and explanations too, and be on your way, in a highly time and cost efficient way, to knowledge test and aviation success!
Yes! FAA Control Tower Operator (CTO) ATC (Air Traffic Control) Test Prep Apps Are Now Available for all platforms!
Our FAA CTO/ATC test prep is inside of our FAA ATP Test Prep app. Our FAA ATP test prep
app contains preparation for all of the FAA Airline Transport Pilot and Airline Dispatcher Tests
and also the CTO/ATC test.. The Control-Tower Operator/ Air Traffic Control specific
topics covered by our prep include:
This app has a really cool feature. After you complete a study session, you can, choose to report your progress to our system where you will be able to see charts of your study progress so that you can identity your weak points.
The really cool thing, however, is that you can also invite your instructor (CFI, flight school, mechanic school, mentor, parent, study partner, etc) to log in and monitor your progress. This is neat because now you can prove to your instructor in a concrete way now your study is progressing.
Access to the system is completely free for you and your instructor! Only GroundSchool has this innovative system.
The FAA Control Tower Operator (CTO) test is intended for people who are looking to qualify as control tower operators.
It is approved by the Air Traffic Service for use in technical training.
We at Dauntless offer the best CTO test prep in existence. You can prepare for the platform of your choice using
actual, realistic, and current FAA questions per the FAA Control Tower Operator study guide. Our prep offer a polished
and efficient study environment and, critically, the best, most detailed explanations in the business so that
you'll be best prepared for new and unpublished questions.
Our prep is fully compatible with FAA ATC Publication TS-14-1 and the FAA Airmen Certification Standards (where applicable).
If, after you get the ATP prep you don't immediately see CTO in the list of tests, then don't panic - there's an easy fix.
Go the update screen from the main menu of the app and use the 'update' feature get the latest and greatest content. This will
add the CTO content to the app and from there you'll be able to select the CTO test.
Our test prep consists of seven individual areas of learning. Each area is listed in Title 14,
Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), Section 65.35. These accurately reflect the areas that you
will be tested on in your actual app. The content is current for 2025 and with the lifetime included
free updates you'll be set for years to come.
The CTO test prep content that comes from FAA publication TS-14-1 is accurately reflected in our test prep. In other words, we make sure that you can study from
official FAA guidance for the CTO test. We supplement this prep with additional related material from other FAA tests. For example, in order to better cover the
breadth of weather questions that you may need to know as a CTO applicant or continuing education subject, we include a number of METAR/TAF/etc questions that generally
come from other, pilot tests. By adding these, we have a more complete prep that will make you better prepared for both the CTO test specifically and to work as
an air traffic controller or related professional more generally.
All questions in the app feature complete, detailed explanations.
Where possible and relevant, our explanations include direct quotations from FAA Publications, including:
CFR 14 (the Federal Aviation Regulations)
FAA Guidebooks and Handbooks
JO 7110.65 (Air Traffic Control)
The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
The FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary
and many others. Our explanations are detailed and often illustrated. Each is written by an editorial team of experienced pilots, mechanics, examiners, and ATC specialists.