This is the order page for our GroundSchool EASA theory exam prep softawre version that work on Microsoft Windows PCs. This is not the page for our
iPhone/iPad, Android, or Mac versions. The way that the PC purchase process works is like this: first, you download
the free demo of the ATPL, CPL, and/or IR PC software from www.EASAExam.com. Install the demo and make sure it works fine on your PC.
Once you're happy that it does, choose one of the two purchase options below. After you complete the purchase process, you will receive an activation code via email that
will transform the demo version into the full version. You can be studying using the full version in just moments from now1
There are two purchase options below. The best deal, and the one that almost all people get is the one on the right. That one gives you access to ALL the theory exam preps - all of the ATPL, CPL, and IR tests for one very competitive
package price.
 | The total amount in your local currency, plus any VAT or sales tax that our merchant partner is obligated to collect, will
be displayed further in the purchase process. |
* | and if you choose this option, you can get even better value still by selecting the GroundSchool JAA ATPL + Safelog JAA/CAA
Pilot e-Logbook combo later in the order process.
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