ATPL Operational Procedures
test bank contains questions pertaining to
071-01-02 JAR - OPS Requirements
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
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Operational Procedures
test bank.
Operational Procedures
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Sample Questions
from the EASA ATPL
Operational Procedures
Test Bank |
- Regarding the issue of an AOC, the Authority must be satisfied that:
- An operator shall not select an aerodrome as a take-off alternate unless the:
- The operator is responsible for the provision of a(n) ... for flight operations staff and flight crew for each ... operated.
- In accordance with JAR-OPS 1.430 (Aerodrome Operating Minima), the lowest minima to be used by an operator in a category B aeroplane for circling are:
- MDA is:
- If a door is fitted to the flight crew compartment:
- For the Steep Approach procedures the Authority may approve screen heights of:
- What organization or body determines the minimum age that a person has to have a seat on an aircraft?
- A CAT II operation is a precision instrument approach and landing using ILS or MLS with:
- Which of the following are not to be operated on board of an aeroplane?
- The RVR for a Category IIIB operation with roll out guidance or control systems that fail passive the minimum RVR is:
- Each pilot must undertake a proficiency check:
- Commanders of aircraft are to have on board all the essential information concerning:
- No persons other than flight crew are allowed on the flight deck. Which of the following correctly identifies permitted exceptions?
- If an operator specifies a minimum flight altitude for a route, it must be:
- Which of the following statements are correctly describes what an operator must demonstrate before the issue of an Air Operators Certificate (AOC)?Organisation, method of control and supervision of flight operationsTraining programmesMaintenance arrangements
- Typical subjects which can be found in the aircraft flight manual are:
- Where there are no facilities at an aerodrome the minimum take-off RVR is:
- Circling is defined as:
- During a night flight, an observer located in the cockpit, seeing an aircraft coming from the front left, will first see the:
- Above what height must equipment to measure the dose rate of cosmic radiation be carried:
- For a flight conducted under IFR the pilot must request and receive a clearance form ATC this request for clearance must include the following basic items:
- Actions taken by the flight operations officer or flight dispatcher shall not conflict with procedures established by:
- A lifejacket must be provided for each person on board:
- A category A aircraft can carry out an indirect (circling) approach followed by a visual manoeuvre only if the horizontal visibility is higher than or equal to:
- When an aircraft is dry leased by operator A to operator B the subsequent flights are conducted under the AOC of operator:
- Passengers are to be secured in their seats by means of seatbelts or harnesses during take-off and landing, turbulence and an emergency. When also must they be secured?
- Which of the following forms or information are NOT required to be carried on all flights?The Operational Flight Plan (OFP)Mass and balance DocumentationNOTAMSThe Technical LogMaps and ChartsPassenger and cargo manifests.
- The operator may not operate aircraft that do not conform to the ditching requirements over water further away from a suitable landing field than:
- An AOC may be revoked, suspended or varied if the Authority deems it necessary. On what grounds can this action be taken?
- The completed Journey Log Book should be retained for a period of at least:
- A category III B precision approach (CAT III B) is an approach which may be carried out with a runway visual range of at least?
- Where can you carry safety matches?On your personHand baggageChecked in luggage
- A wet lease out to a non-EASA member organisation means:
- JAR OPS 1.465 (VFR Operating minima), establishes that, the operator shall ensure about VFR flights, that:
- Passengers are required to be briefed about the location and use of life jackets on what occasions:
- An aircraft landing mass shall be such that .... and .... criteria can be met.
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Operational Procedures
test bank, click here.
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