ATPL Instrumentation
test bank contains questions pertaining to
022-02-02 Autopilot
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
questions. Our software, which you are free to download now at no cost, will
generally contain a much more complete set of questions associated with this
test bank. This list is intended only to familiarize you in a general way with
the questions of the
test bank.
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That said, while the following questions are intended
as a general familiarization tool, this list may not be up-to-date nor accurate.
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Sample Questions
from the EASA ATPL
Test Bank |
- In an auto-flight system, modes for stabilising the a/c include which of the following:Yaw damper.Pitch attitude holding.VOR axis holding.ASI & Mach hold.horizontal wing holding.Altitude holding.
- An automatic landing system necessitating that the landing be continued manually in the case of a system failure during an automatic approach is called FAIL...
- Inputs to the rudder channels initially originate from:
- An automatic pilot is a system which can ensure the functions of:
- The control law in a fly-by-wire system is a relationship between:
- LNAV is an .... (i) input to the .... (ii) channel using data from the .... (iii).
- In heading select the auto-pilot delivers roll commands to the controls to bank the aircraft:proportional to TAS, but not beyond a specified maximum.Set bank of 27 degrees.Set bank of 15 degrees.Proportional to the deviation from the selected heading
- On an autopilot coupled approach, GO AROUND mode is engaged:
- A single axis autopilot system:
- During large control inputs from an automatic flight control system (AFCS), the control stick in the cockpit is moved to inform the pilot of the action. This is:
- Failure of a single autoland channel in a triplicate autoland system results in a redundancy status of:
- The autoland sequence is considered to be complete when:
- When operating with the auto-pilot in ALT hold mode what happens if the Captain's barometric altimeter pressure setting is increased?
- What does the auto-pilot pitch / rotate around?
- An autopilot suffers a failure which leaves the airplane trimmed and maintaining its original flight path although the autopilot is no longer engaged. The original status of the autopilot before the failure was:
- You engage CWS, what happens when you let go of the control wheel after making a manoeuvre?
- A semi-automatic landing system disconnects itself automatically:
- A pilot engages the control wheel steering (CWS) of a conventional autopilot and carries out a manoeuvre in roll.When the control wheel is released, the autopilot will:
- An autopilot system:
- The autopilot is divided into two basic modes, what are they called?
- Autopilot corrections affecting pitch attitude are carried out by:
- An autopilot capable of holding at least altitude and heading mode is compulsory:
- In automatic landing mode, in case of failure of one of the two autopilots, the system is considered:
- For a FDC, if HDG is set on the MCP:
- What is the wavelength of an ILS signal?
- When is an auto-land procedure complete?
- What are the most basic functions of auto-stabilisation?Maintain pitch attitude.Maintain wings level.Altitude hold.Heading hold.Speed hold
- Inner loop stability is obtained by:
- Heading hold mode relates to control in :
- The computers of the electrical flight controls system comply with programs defined by attitude control laws such as:on the longitudinal axis, the law may combine the load factor and the changes in the pitch rate as control data sourcesthe trimming is automatic and ensures neutral stabilitythe protections apply to pitch and bank attitudes depending on the speedthese laws do not apply to the whole flight envelopeThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
- During a CAT2 approach, what is providing the height information to the auto-pilot?
- When an automatic landing is interrupted by a go-around:the autothrottle reacts immediately upon the pilot action on the TO/GA (Take-off/Go-around) switch in order to recover the maximum thrustthe autopilot monitors the climb and the rotation of the airplanethe autopilot retracts the landing gear and reduces the flap deflection in order to reduce the dragthe pilot performs the climb and the rotation of the airplanethe pilot retracts the landing gear and reduces the flap deflection in order to reduce the dragThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
list above contains 1/4 or less of the actual number of questions
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access to all available questions. |
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test bank, click here.
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