ATPL Instrumentation
test bank contains questions pertaining to
022-01-01 Air Data Instruments
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
questions. Our software, which you are free to download now at no cost, will
generally contain a much more complete set of questions associated with this
test bank. This list is intended only to familiarize you in a general way with
the questions of the
test bank.
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That said, while the following questions are intended
as a general familiarization tool, this list may not be up-to-date nor accurate.
We do not update this website as often as we update our software, which will
contain at any moment all questions that we have for a given test / topic. Therefore,
if you need to actually study for your test, instead of using the list below,
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Sample Questions
from the EASA ATPL
Test Bank |
- When climbing at a constant mach number below the tropopause through an inversion:
- Cruising at FL390, M.84 is found to give a TAS of 499kt. The ISA deviation at this level will be:
- What will the altimeter of an aircraft on the aerodrome indicate with QNH set on the subscale?
- Dynamic pressure is given by:
- A servo altimeter has a quoted accuracy of 1 mb at mean sea level. The accuracy in the standard atmosphere is:
- An aircraft is passing 6,500 ft in a descent when the static line becomes blocked. The altimeter then reads:
- During a climb after take-off from a contaminated runway, if the total pressure probe of the airspeed indicator is blocked, the pilot finds that indicated airspeed :
- When an altimeter is used for SSR it is always referenced to:
- Aircraft with pressurized cabin in flight:When switching to the alternate static pressure source, the pointer of the Vertical Speed Indicator:
- The airspeed indicator is calibrated to:
- As an airplane climbs higher, the true airspeed for a given indicated airspeed will:
- At a constant calibrated airspeed (CAS), the Mach number:
- The reading of a Mach indicator is independent of:
- The difference between static air temperature and total air temperature is known as:
- When descending through an isothermal level the TAS will .... (i), the CAS .... (ii) and the LSS will .... (iii):
- If the static line to the ASI becomes blocked during a climb, the ASI reading will:
- The velocity maximum operating (V.M.O.) is a speed expressed in:
- A pressure head is subject to the following errors:
- In a combined mach/airspeed indicator the purposes of the BARBER POLE is to indicate:
- The temperature at the airport is 23º C, what is the local speed of sound:
- Where a M/IAS indicator is being used:
- The machmeter employs:
- A pitot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following instrument (s):
- An Air Data Computer (ADC):
- The Airspeed Indicator measures:
- An aircraft flies an altitude of 3500 feet from A, elevation 700 feet QNH 1015 mb to B, elevation 1120 feet QNH 992 mb. Assuming the altimeter sub-scale is not changed, the aircraft will arrive over B at a height of:
- CAS is IAS corrected for:
- The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the source is known as:
- When flying from low pressure to high pressure, the barometric error of an altimeter will cause the instrument to:
- VFE is the maximum speed:
- Select the correct statement:
- During a steady climb the pitot head becomes totally blocked by ice. As the climb continues the indications of the machmeter will:
- Within a temperature range of +50° and -20° C the VSI is accurate to within limits of:
- VLO is the maximum:
- Indicated airspeed corrected for position error is:
- The full International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) is assumed in the calibration of:
- The servo altimeter is better than a sensitive altimeter because:
- If the static vent becomes blocked during climb:
list above contains 1/4 or less of the actual number of questions
and may not be up to date! Download the software today to get
access to all available questions. |
more information about the EASA ATPL
test bank, click here.
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