| | | | | |  | | Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Prep App - Includes Preparation for the MCA (Airplane) and MCH (Helicopter) Military Conversion Tests |
| | What tests are included?This Commercial Pilot app can prepare you for any or all of the following FAA Knowledge (written) tests. Inside the app, you can select the specific test from the list below that you want to study for, and the app will then filter the questions to only those that apply to that test so that you don't study extra or unnecessary material. | CAX − Commercial Pilot Airplane | CRH − Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter | CGX − Commercial Pilot Glider | CRG − Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Gyroplane | CBH − Commercial Pilot Balloon - Hot Air | CBG − Commercial Pilot Balloon - Gas | CLA − Commercial Pilot Lighter-Than-Air (Airship) | MCN − Military Competence Non-Category | MCA − Military Competence Airplane | MCH − Military Competence Helicopter | CCP − Commercial Pilot Canadian Conversion (Airplane) | CCH − Commercial Pilot Canadian Conversion (Helicopter) |
| |  | | Flight and Ground Instructor FAA Knowledge Test Prep App - Includes Preparation for the MCI Military INSTRUCTOR Conversion Test |
| | What tests are included?This Flight and Ground Instructor app can prepare you for any or all of the following FAA Knowledge (written) tests. Inside the app, you can select the specific test from the list below that you want to study for, and the app will then filter the questions to only those that apply to that test so that you don't study extra or unnecessary material. | FIA − Flight Instructor Airplane | AFA − Flight Instructor Airplane (added rating) | FRH − Flight Instructor Rotorcraft Helicopter | HFA − Flight Instructor Helicopter (added rating) | AFG − Flight Instructor Glider (added rating) | FIG − Flight Instructor Glider | FRG − Flight Instructor Rotorcraft Gyroplane | GFA − Flight Instructor Gyroplane (added rating) | BGI − Ground Instructor Basic | AGI − Ground Instructor Advanced | FOI − Fundamentals of Instruction | MCI − Military Competence - Instructor |
| |  | To see our complete lineup of FAA written/knowledge test prep products for Android™, Click here. |
| |  The Android™ apps on this page work great with the vast majority of Android-based mobile phones (smartphones), tablets, and similar devices - however, they are NOT intended for use with your PC, Mac, or iPhone / iPad.
Apps including ours for Android devices are available for purchase via Google's Android App Market and/or Amazon's Android App Store. If you have a compatible Android-based device, you are welcome to purchase our Android apps from the Google Play (formerly known as the Android App Market) and/or Amazon Android App Store.
Our Android apps (programs) have been needed to be specifically designed, programmed, and tested (a process involving hundreds to thousands of hours and specialized skills and tools) to work on Android devices and they certainly do work great on them. However, this also means that they work on compatible Android devices only--purchases made via the Google Play and/or Amazon Android App Store are not compatible with and will not work on, for example, your PC, Mac, or iPhone/iPad.
If you'd like to use a given app for both your Android device and its equivalent piece of software for your PC, Mac, or iPhone/iPad (where one is available), as some people do in order to get 'the best of both worlds', you would need to purchase these separately. This 'a la carte' system ensures that you pay for only that which you intend to use and is fair to all involved.
We thank you for your understanding. |
Our Android™ test preps for Military Comptetence Airplane (MCA), Military Competence Helicopter (MCH), and Military Competence Instructor (MCI) that will
allow you to convert your miliary flight experience into civilian certificates and ratings are included as part of our overall "FAA Commercial Pilot" and "FAA Flight and Ground Instructor"
test prep apps, respectively. Specifically, the MCA and MCH test preps are part of the commercial pilot app and the MCI prep is part of the Flight/Ground Instructor App.
After you purchase the app and run it on your device, it will ask you which test you want to study for - simply select MCA, MCH, and MCI as appropriate (they will be included along
with several purely civilian tests in each app). This is a great way to prepare for your military to civilian conversion test wherever you are with your Android™ device.
You can click on one of the links above to get more info about one of the two relevant apps here or to purchae it directly via the Android AppMarket™.
- Yes, these apps are 100% what you need to study for either your MCA/MCH or MCI FAA written tests. They include actual up to date questions, full explanations, all the charts
and figures you will need and more.
- For more information on the process of converting your military experience, please visit our main Military Competence Conversion page.
- Yes, the content here is (essentially, if not 100%) identical to that of our very highly regarded Military Competence test prep PC software.
- Sorry, we cannot offer a discount for buying both of these at the same time nor can we offer a discount for bundling these wit our PC software. This is not our policy,
but the policy of Apple via their AppStore which prohibits us from doing this.
- Questions? We're happy to hear from you via our helpdesk
Our apps apps include:
- All FAA questions just like our FAA GroundSchool software has. Not some measely pared-down question set - you get the full thing complete with our detailed, illustrated explanations, allowing
you to do all of your FAA knowledge test prep study right on your iPhone.
- Integrated Upgrades - get upgrades right into your iPhone from our servers. So, when our editors change things, you get access to the latest and greatest quickly.
This is REALLY IMPORTANT and we're the only ones that we know of that have this feature.
- Full, Illustrated Explanations. All charts and figures. Juust like in our PC software. No skimping and no compromise!
- Many advanceed features, including many study modes and much of the functionality that has made our desktop version such a hit.
"Great software to get me ready for the Military Competence Exam - Airplane. Excellent resources made readily available to explain questions and foster deeper understanding and general knowledge of regulations. I passed the exam within 15 minutes and scored 100%. The FAA Operations Inspector who handled my paperwork said "Geez, 100%? Maybe you put in too much time on this one." Nope, just the right amount, thank you! Completely worthwhile product!"