Welcome to the Dauntless Aviation Glossary!
At Dauntless, our editorial staff maintains the web's largest unified glossary of aviation terms. This glossary is built from a combination of official, quasi-official,
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G1000 | | The Garmin G1000 is an integrated flight instrument system manufactured by Garmin typically composed of two display units, one serving as a primary flight display, and one as a multi-function display. It serves as a replacement for most conventional flight instruments and avionics. An aircraft with a basic Garmin G1000 installation contains two LCD displays (one acting as the primary flight display and the other as the multi-function display) as well as an integrated communications panel that fits between the two. These displays are designated as a GDU, Garmin Display Unit. Beyond that, additional features are found on newer and larger G1000 installations, such as in business jets. This includes: - A third display unit, to act as a co-pilot PFD
- An alphanumeric keyboard
- An integrated flight director/autopilot (without it, the G1000 interfaces with an external autopilot)
Depending on the airplane manufacturer and whether or not a GFC 700 autopilot is installed, the G1000 system will consist of either two GDU 1040 displays (no autopilot), a GDU 1040 PFD/GDU 1043 MFD (GFC 700 autopilot installed), or a GDU 1045 PFD/GDU 1045 MFD (GFC 700 autopilot installed with VNAV). The GDU 1040 is the standard base bezel with no autopilot/flight director mode selection keys below the heading bug. The GDU 1043 has autopilot/flight director keys for all GFC 700 modes except VNAV. The GDU 1045 is essentially identical to the GDU 1043 except for the addition of an autopilot/flight director mode for VNAV. Depending on how the units are installed, an MFD failure may, or may not, have an impact on autopilot or flight director use. If a GDU 1040 is used as a PFD in an airplane equipped with a GFC 700 autopilot, a failure of the MFD (which houses the autopilot mode selection keys) will leave the autopilot engaged, but the modes cannot be changed because no autopilot keys are present on the PFD. But, if an MFD failure occurs in an airplane with the GFC 700 autopilot and either a GDU 1043 or a GDU 1045 bezel installed as a PFD, the pilot will have full use of the autopilot through the keys on the PFD. Both the PFD and MFD each have two slots for SD memory cards. The top slot is used to update the Jeppesen aviation database (also known as NavData) every 28 days, and to load software and configuration to the system. The aviation database must be current to use GPS for navigation during IFR instrument approaches. The bottom slot houses the World terrain and Jeppesen obstacle databases. While terrain information rarely changes or needs to be updated, obstacle databases can be updated every 56 days through a subscription service. The top card can be removed from the G1000 system following an update, but the bottom card must stay in both the PFD and MFD to ensure accurate terrain awareness and TAWS-B information. | source: Wikitionary / Wikipedia and Related Sources (Edited) |
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Disclaimer: While this glossary in most cases is likely to be highly accurate and useful, sometimes, for any number of editorial, transcription, technical, and other reasons, it might not be.
Additionally, as somtimes you may have found yourself brought to this page through an automated term matching system, you may find definitions here that do not match the cotext or application in which
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